Thursday, March 15, 2012


After the final approval in January for PEF in the country of Tanzania, we were eager to submit our first loan applications.  The first approved student and loan was for Grace Bandiahi from the Ubungo Branch.  After approving the school and sending all their information to the Employment Resource Center area office in D.R.Congo, all the loan documents needed to be signed and sent to the area PEF office in Johannesburg, South Africa before the loan would be funded here in Tanzania. She will be attending St. Marys Teacher's College to become an early education teacher and is scheduled to graduate Nov of 2013. Grace is a returned missionary and currently serving as the District Young Women President.  

Grace Bandihai, First Tanzanian PEF Recipient!


  1. It's great to see the PEF making such a difference in people's lives.

  2. I just love learning about all your adventures! And, how exciting that you get to be the instruments to make such a difference in so many people's lives. What a wonderful work! Love you. Ashley (Dabb) DeGraff



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